South Atlantic Safari
Words on Wings Press is excited to announce new editions of ALL NINE of Don McVicar’s exciting aviation memoirs as sleek and easy-to-read Kindle e-books.
This is the FIRST TIME these volumes are all available in the same format, known as the Streamlined Edition.
Fun fact about e-books; they are also searchable databases! Better than an index, simply type in the name of an airplane, person or place for the full value of the content to be revealed. This is a real boon to aviation historians and other aficionados of the numerous types of now-classic aircraft McVicar flew and wrote of so brilliantly.
“South Atlantic Safari is a vivid and entertaining look at the workings of the secret World War II air operation of the RAF Ferry Command. Captain Don McVicar, a flying legend, puts readers right in his cockpit on the B-26 ‘Widow Maker.’ This is a story that soars with thrills and adventure, and it’s a fitting tribute to these heroic airmen.”
—William VanDerKloot
Producer/Director, Flying the Secret Sky: The Story of the RAF Ferry Command
In 1981, Captain Don McVicar, KC, OBE, published Ferry Command which described his dangerous flying adventures in the service of the Royal Air Force Ferry Command, a secret organization based at Dorval airport, near Montreal, Canada. It was the first of his well-received volumes of his turbulent life in the Golden Age of Aviation. When Ferry Command sold out, its publisher, Airlife in Great Britain, did not print a second edition, so Capt. McVicar divided it into Ferry Command Pilot and South Atlantic Safari adding new material to both, and self-published them in 1990.
While Ferry Command Pilot is a tale of the Arctic and brutal flying over the frigid North Atlantic, South Atlantic Safari soars over the warm Caribbean, the jungles of South America, the equatorial South Atlantic, touching down on the burning deserts of Egypt. Capt. McVicar must master the sleek but dangerous B-26 Marauder which had earned the nickname “Widow Maker” due to its high accident rate. He is charged with delivering the first American-built bomber to the battle front of the RAF in Africa.
Capt. McVicar’s writing style was very much cherished by aviation enthusiasts from all walks of life, who often remarked that they felt as if they were right there in the cockpit with him, wrestling the temperamental aircraft to keep it from falling from the sky.
This edition marks the return of the second half of this classic tale of a secret but vital wartime organization to the world. Ferry Command Pilot was published by Words on Wings Press in June 2015 to commemorate what would have been Capt. McVicar’s 100th birthday.
The foreword is written by the navigator of that historic B-26 Marauder delivery to Africa, F/L E.E. “Ted” Biss, RCAF.
Within the paperback edition, the addition by the author of little-known histories of three other ferrying organizations – the British Air Transport Auxiliary, Consairways, and Pan American Air Ferries – adds even more historical value to this tale. Please note that this material is not included in the Streamlined Edition.
The comprehensive index compiled by the editor, Donna McVicar Kazo, along with a list of all RAFFC aircrew and groundcrew mentioned in the book are reproduced below. As noted above, a Kindle e-book also serves as a searchable database, so an index is less crucial to the book.
Some photographs in the paperback edition were supplied by William VanDerKloot III, producer/director of Flying the Secret Sky, The Story of the RAF Ferry Command as the tale of his father, Capt. William VanDerKloot Jr.’s service as Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s pilot is interwoven with Capt. McVicar’s.
Please do not use any photographs found on this website without permission.
The names below are the people who served in some aspect of the RAF Ferry Command and are who are mentioned in South Atlantic Safari. The RAFFC was a secret organization, and somewhat ad hoc in its first year or so; some aircrew were “one-trippers” who were part of the crew delivering the aircraft to the U.K. but stayed to serve in their designated units. After the war, some records were lost or even destroyed by a government. Consequently, Don McVicar’s books may be the only records of the service of many of these brave men. Since Ferry Command Pilot was republished in 2011, the descendants of some of them have reached out to us, hoping for some clues as to what they did in the war. The names below have been extracted from the book to honor their bravery. If you have any questions, comments or photos, please contact us:
Lest we forget.
RAFFC aircrew and groundcrew in South Atlantic Safari
Adams, Wing Commander John RNZAF
Affleck, F/E John KC MBE
Andrews, Sgt. M.
Archer, Sgt.
Atkinson, C.V.
Baillie, Capt. F.W.
Barnes, G.E.
Baughan, Capt. Charley
Bendall, Capt. Eric
Bennett, A/V/M D.C.T. “Don”
Biddell, S/L W.
Bisson, Capt. Louis KC, OBE
Biss, P/O E.E. “Ted”
Bliss, G.
Bouchard, Bill
Bowhill, A/C/M Sir Frederick
Bradley, Capt. Jack
Burke, Capt. “Andy” J.
Burns, D. RAFFC
Byars, Capt. G. KC
Carlet, Capt. R. KC
Carlisle, Capt. E.G., OBE
Charmoz, Capt. Jules
Chouteau, H.
Clausewitz, Capt. E.F. “Flake”
Coe, Capt. Ed
Cooke, aircrew
Cootes, A.C.
Coristine, Squadron Leader Ed
Coughlan, R/O F.W. KC
Davidson, Capt. W.J.
Delworth, D.
Devine, J.J.
Ditton, Capt. Ted
Dixon, Bill
Dugan, Capt. Jim
Eberhart, Sgt. F.V.
Erdeley, W.D.
Evans, A.L.
Evans, Capt. George P. OBE
Ewart/Ewert, R/O D.E. KC
Farr, F/O M.
Fennell, Jack
Filtness, H.G.
Fitzgerald, Capt.
Fitzgerald, Jack
Flory, H.
Foreman, C.C.
Frazer, R/O J.R. KC
Fulton, Sgt.
Gentry, Capt. D.L. OBE
Gerow, Capt. J.S. KC
Gilmore, John Joseph “Joe”
Glover, J.C.
Goodlet, F/O Dave
Gorman, H.
Gragg, R.O.
Gray, R/O J.W. KC MBE
Griffith, Sgt.
Griggs, Capt. John
Grigsby, Earl
Gunn, Capt. Bob
Hall, J.H.
Harris, F/E “Smokey”
Harris, W.C.
Hawthorne, F.
Herndon, Capt. H.
Hersam, Capt. George A. KC
Hightower, Capt. E.W.
Hodgson, R/O H.T. KC
Holmes, R/O Russ MBE
Huston, Capt. H.W. “Herb”
Hyland, P/O
Jacques, John
Jarrett, E.T.
Jarvis, R/O D.B. KC
Jervis, D.
Johnsen, R/O G.R. “Fred” KC
Johnson, P/O
Johns, R.G.
Jones, Sgt. T.
Jubb, R/O J.N. “Jimmy” KC
King, A.M.
Kluzek, S.W.
Lacombe, P/O
La Grave, Gerry
Lane, G.C.
Lewis, Capt. H.
Lewis, Frank
Lewis, W.
Lilly, Capt. A.J. “Al”
Livermore, Capt. Thomas L.
Lloyd, Capt. R.M.
Lockett, Al
Loughridge, R/O A.M. KC
Lowman, Capt. Paul Liefer
Luck, Capt. W.F.S. “Sheldon” KC
Mackey, Capt. Joseph “Joe”
Marvin, R/O D.P. KC
Maxwell, Wing Commander Patrick
McDonald, aircrew
McGiffen, Nina
McGinniss, F/E James W. “Jim”
McGrail, R/O John
McIntyre, R/O J.A. KC
McKay, D.
McKee, Sgt.
McKercher, H.W.
McLeod, F/E “Red”
McPherson, G.
McPherson, T/O D.F., KC
McTaggart-Cowan, Dr. Patrick Duncan
McVicar, Capt. Donald Moore KC, OBE
Meagher, Capt. Jim
Meagher, R/O C.P. KC
Merrill, Capt. B.M. “Bud”
Miller, C.
Mollison, Jim
Moody, Capt. Hunter
Morrison, J.
Nixon, Capt. William “Bill”
O’Connor, Ward
Olmstead, P/O
O’Neill, Capt. John H.
Palser, P/O
Parkinson, Capt. Jack
Perlick, Capt. R.E. KC
Phoenix, Capt. Merrill E. KC
Pierson-Jones, M.
Powell, Group Captain (later Air Commodore) Griffith “Taffy”
Priestman, Paddy
Raymond, B.E.
Rector, Capt. C.A.
Robinson, F/O Dennis RAAF
Rodgers, aircrew
Rosenfield, W.A. Jr.
Ross, W.C.
Ross, Wing Commander Donald “Don”
Rowe, Capt. Gene
Ruggles, Capt. J.H. “Jack” MBE
Rush, R/O Eric
Sandeman, Capt. Eric
Sarsfield, John Redmond
Scouten, Capt. A.J.F. “Bud”
Seiger, Capt. Henry R
Sharpe, P/O D.
Shaw, Sgt.
Shreve, J.R.
Shrews, J.M.
Siple, Capt. Wallace C. KC
Souers, Capt. Bob
Swaney, F/E Gayle B.
Tanner, L.A.
Taylor, Sgt.
Teel, Capt. Don KC
Thompson, Capt. L.J. KC
Thompson, Jake
Tobin, Capt. Gilbert S.
Tooker, Capt. N.
VanDerKloot, Capt. William “Bill” CBE, OBE
Walmsley, E.P.
Waters, Alfred
Watson, aircrew
Watt, A.B.
Weaver, R/O Joseph “Joe”
White, A.D.
Wightman, R/O H.G. “Gordy”
Williams, Capt. Norman L.
Williams, F/E Ronald KC
Wilson, I.M.
Wilson, Penn
Woodard, D.
Zimmerman, Capt. P.E. KC
Index (Photographs and illustrations are listed in Bold)
Aasfjord, Norway, anchorage of German battleship Tirpitz: 147
Adams, Wing Commander John RNZAF/RAFFC: 19, 20, 24, 28, 33
Affleck, F/E John KC MBE RAFFC: 60, 116, 117, 128, 129
Africa: 67, 127, 145, 167, 175, 186, 192 (See also Egypt)
Operation Torch, Allied invasion, 1942 145
Specific place names mentioned: Battle of Alam Halfa Ridge: 146; Blue Nile: 111; Dahomey: 109; Dakar, Senegal: 107; el Alamein: 146; Fort Lamy, French Equatorial Africa: 123; Freetown, Sierra Leone: 175, 176; Ivory Coast: 107; Kano, Nigeria: 109, 123; Khartoum, Sudan: 111, 123;
Lagos, Nigeria: 124, 175; Lake Chad: 111; Libya, Tobruk: 146; Maiduguri, Nigeria: 109; Pyramids: 112; Sahara desert: 109, 123, 187; Shepheard’s Hotel, Cairo, Egypt: 118; Suez Canal: 128, 190; Tobruk: 146; surrender of: 128; Wadi Halfa: 123; White Nile: 111
Afrika Korps: 67, 109, 146, 154
agonic: 111
Aiken, John PAA: 181
Air Council, Royal Air Force: 52, 53
airfields/airports/air bases/aerodromes:
Accra, Gold Coast (RAF base) 107, 124, 131; Algeria, Tafaraoui: 145; Amapa, Brazil: 125; Ascension Island: 95, 105, 106, 124, 131, 133; Bathurst, Gambia: 175; Bermuda: 153; Berry Field, Nashville, Tennessee: 68; Bluie West One, Greenland: 145;
Borinquen Field, Puerto Rico: 95, 98, 125; Cairo, Egypt: 167, 189; Cimarron Air Base, Oklahoma: 62;
Dorval (See Dorval airport); Edmonton Airport: 30;
El Geneina, Sudan: 123; Elizabeth City, NC: 79, 166;
Fortaleza, Brazil: 125; Fort Lamy, French Equatorial Africa: 123; Freetown, Sierra Leone: 175, 176;
Gander (See Gander, Newfoundland); Georgetown, British Guiana: 125;
Goose Bay, Labrador: 145, 151; Greenland, Bluie West One: 145; Honington, England: 145; Houlton Army Air Base, Maine: 145; Iceland: 145; Jacksonville, Florida: 82; Kano, Nigeria: 109; Khartoum, Sudan: 111, 123; Lagos, Nigeria: 124, 175; LaGuardia Airport, New York City: 126; Maiduguri, Nigeria: 109; McDill, Tampa, Florida: 25, 25; Miami, Florida: 129, 177, 181; Mitchell Field, Long Island, New York: 129; Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, Florida: 67, 78, 83, 89, 94; Nashville, Tennessee, Berry Field: 68; Nassau, Bahamas: 152;
Natal, Brazil: 95, 124, 125, 131, 133, 173, 174, 183;
Para de Belem, Brazil: 101; Piarco Airport, Trinidad: 99; Prestwick airfield, Scotland: 24, 136, 141, 144, 145, 146, 164; Sangley Point, Cavite, Philippines: 165; Scotland, flying boat base: 153; Secret Landing Ground 224, (LG 224) near Cairo, Egypt: 112, 113, 152; St. Hubert, Quebec: 48; Takoradi, Ghana: 107, 175; Trinidad: 125, 172; US Navy unnamed “wagon wheel” training airport, Florida: 83; Waller Field, Trinidad: 99; Windsor Field, Nassau, Bahamas: 67; Wright-Patterson, Ohio: 66; Wyton, England (home base of Pathfinder Force): 148;
Air France: 184; Natal base: 174
Air Ministry, British: 136
Airspeed Ltd. (aircraft manufacturer); Oxford: 165
Air Transport Auxiliary: 164
Air Transport Command: 92, 167, 184, 186, 191, 192
Alaska, Fairbanks: 64
Alberta, Edmonton: 30, 64
Alexander, Field Marshal Harold: 114, 128
Alexander, Wilbur S. PAA: 176
Algeria, Bône: 19
Allison, Capt. Jim: 170, 171, 174, 175
Amazon River: 101 (See also Brazil)
Ambrey, Van: 172
Andrews-McLaughlin Funeral Parlor, Edmonton, Alberta: 30
American Airlines: 69, 72, 140, 141
American Civil War: 74; Battle of Franklin: 72
American Pleasantville Construction Company: 67
American Volunteer Group: 188
amoebic dysentery: 77
Andrews, Sgt. M. RAFFC: 129, 130
Archer, Sgt. RAFFC: 129
Arctic Circle: 112
Ascension Island: 95, 105, 106, 124, 131, 133
Atabrine tablets: 78
Atkinson, C.V. RAFFC: 128, 129
Atlantic Airways: 168, 169, 170, 176
Atlantic Ocean: 83, 103 (See also Battle of the Atlantic; North Atlantic; South Atlantic)
Auchinleck, Field Marshal Claude: 114
Austen, Allen T. Consairways: 166
Australia: 26, 62, 132
Avro Aircraft: Lancaster bomber: 148
B-17 (See Boeing Company)
B-24 (See Consolidated Aircraft Corporation)
B-26 (See Martin Aircraft Company)
Bahamas Islands: 97, 125; Nassau: 67, 96
Baillie, Capt. F.W.: RAFFC 129
Barnes, G.E. RAFFC: 129, 130
Bassett, Frank: 172
Battle of Alam Halfa Ridge: 146
Battle of el Alamein: 152, 154
Battle of Midway: 21
Battle of the Atlantic: 132, 133, 153, 154
Baughan, Capt. Charley RAFFC: 76, 76
Belfast, Northern Ireland: 143
Bendall, Capt. Eric RAFFC: 81
Bennett, A/V/M D.C.T. “Don” RAFFC/RAF: 147-149, 149
Berry, Peter, author of Prestwick Airport & Scottish Aviation: 144
Beurling, P/O George “Buzz” RAF: 120
Biddell, S/L W. RAFFC: 128, 129
Bishop, Air Marshal William Avery “Billy” VC, CB, DFC, DSO: 51
Bisson, Capt. Louis KC, OBE RAFFC: 26, 60, 129
Biss, P/O E.E. “Ted” RAFFC: xiii-xiv, 82, 96, 97, 99, 103, 105, 110, 113
black market: 139
Bledsoe, Capt. James Lee: 171, 173-175
Bliss, G. RAFFC: 129, 130
Boeing Company: 307 Stratoliner: 124; B-17 Flying Fortress: 46-51, 49; Specific aircraft: FK459: 48-51;
Bonner PAA: 189
Bouchard, Bill RAFFC Chief Inspector: 135
Bowen, George W. Consairways: 166
Bowhill, Air Chief Marshal Sir Frederick RAF/RAFFC: 56, 130, 131, 132
Boxey, Capt. PAA: 125
Bradley, Capt. Jack RAFFC: 81, 129
Branson, Peter: 172
Brazil, 103, 183 (See also airfields) Specific place names mentioned: Amazon River: 101; Belem: 125;
Grande Hotel: 101; Natal: 95, 103, 124, 125, 131, 133, 173, 174, 183
Bristol Aeroplane Company: Blenheim: 109
British Army: 146
British Columbia: 116; Esquimault: 153
British Consul: 173
British Overseas Aircraft Corporation (BOAC): 92, 93, 119, 134, 175; Return Ferry Service: 35, 79, 80, 150
Bufton, Group Captain (later Air Vice Marshal) Sydney RAF: 148
Burbidge, Maurice “Moss:” 29, 30
Burke, Capt. “Andy” J. RAFFC/PAA: 91, 92, 129, 131, 170, 171, 172, 175
Burns, D. RAFFC: 129, 131
Byars, Capt. G. KC RAFFC: 60
Cairo (See Egypt; see also airfields)
California, Specific place names mentioned:
Burbank: 168; San Diego: 165; San Francisco: 116
Canadian Army, Second Division: 127
Canadian Colonial Airlines: 48, 126
Canadian Pacific Air Services: 38, 165
Canty, Dave: 169
Caribbean Sea: 96, 99, 125
Carlet, Capt. R. KC RAFFC: 57, 60
Carlisle, Capt. E.G., OBE RAFFC: 60
CAVU: Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited: 82
centimeter beam, centimetric wave band: 149, 153 (See also navigation)
Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood: 53
Channing, Edwin Consairways: 166
Charmoz, Capt. Jules RAFFC: 130
Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo: 171
China: 171
Chinese National Air Force: 171
Chouteau, H. RAFFC: 129, 130
Chrysler Building, New York City: 168
Churchill, Capt. TWA: 124
Churchill, Prime Minister Winston S.: 107, 114, 115, 117, 118, 128, 133, 153, 154
Churchill, Willard Consairways: 166
Civilian Pilot Training Program: 177
Clausewitz, Capt. E.F. “Flake” RAFFC: 92, 172
Clayton, Oliver H. PAA: 180
Cleveland, W.L.: 176
Coe, Capt. Ed ATA/RAFFC: 164
“Colonel Bogie’s March:” 55
Coningham, Air Marshal Arthur “Maori/Mary” RAF: 25, 146
Consairways: 165, 166
Consolidated Aircraft Corporation: A-35 Vultee Vengeance: 68; B-24 Liberator 24, 33, 46, 58, 67, 72, 79, 82, 83, 91, 108, 125, 126, 128, 131, 133, 146, 152, 165; LB-30 “Liberator-British:” 35; Specific aircraft:
AL504 Commando: 114, 115, 116, 118, 133; AL591: 150; FK214: 129; FK227: 129; FK243: 129; FK509: 129; FL92: 129; FL908: 129; FL911: 129; FL912: 129;
FL913: 129; FL914: 129; FL915: 129; FL917: 129;
FL918: 129; FL919: 81; FM913: 129; C-87: 165;
Flight Delivery Department: 165; LB-30: 165; PBY Catalina: 79, 133, 153, 165
Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft: 68, 165
Cooke, RAFFC: 130, 131
Cootes, A.C. RAFFC 129, 130
Coristine, Squadron Leader Ed RAFFC: 33
Coughlan, R/O F.W. KC RAFFC: 60
Craig, Bruce K. Consairways: 166
Curtiss-Electric propellers: 15, 34, 137
Curtiss-Wright Corporation (Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company): P-40 fighter Warhawk/Tomahawk/Kittyhawk: 55, 64, 107, 114
Czechoslovakian air force: 55
Dahomey, French West Africa: 107
Dakar, Senegal: 107
Davidson, Capt. W.J. RAFFC: 129, 130
Davis, Ernie: 172
DeGarmo, Alva: 176
de Havilland Aircraft Company: Dragon, Seafarer: 165; Mosquito: 148, 149; Moth: 153; Moth, CYYG: 31
Delworth, D. RAFFC: 129
Department of Transport, Canadian: 61
d’Erlanger, Sir Gerard: 164
Desert Fox (See Rommel, Erwin)
Devil’s Island prison, French Guiana: 100
Devine, J.J. RAFFC: 129, 130
Dewey, Carl M. PAA: 179
Dieppe Raid, 1942: 125, 127
Dillon, Meade: 172
Distinguished Flying Cross: 147
Distinguished Service Order: 147
Ditton, Capt. Ted RAFFC: 78, 91, 97, 109
Dixon, Bill RAFFC drift reader: 49
Dorval airport, Montreal, Quebec: 24, 29, 42, 45, 55, 66, 74, 82, 83, 89, 92, 98, 110, 126, 128, 138, 150
Dorval Morse identifier, VR5: 97
Dory, George: 172
Douglas Aircraft Company: C-47/DC-3/Dakota 72, 119, 123, 126; Specific aircraft: Pan America Airways (PAA): No. 17827: 125; No. 138572: 119; DC-4: 140
Drum, Capt., American Airlines: 141
Dugan, Capt. Jim RAFFC: 65
Dutch beach, landing site of B-26: 145
Dutch East Indies (Netherlands East Indies): 165, 171, 178
Eastbound Inn, Gander, Newfoundland: 138
Eastern Air Lines: 172; Great Silver Fleet DC-3: 126
Eberhart, Sgt. F.V. RAFFC: 129, 130
Edmonton, Alberta: Andrews-McLaughlin Funeral Parlor: 30; Edmonton and Northern Alberta Flying Club: 31
Efferson, Mike “Mayor of Gander:” 138
Egypt (See also airfields): 132, 168, 197; Specific place names: Alexandria: 109; Cairo: 24, 93, 97, 98, 108, 109, 112, 118, 122, 127, 128, 175, 189; Melody Club, Cairo: 120; Nile River/Valley: 112, 123, 128, 188, 189; Shepheard’s Hotel, Egypt: 118
Eighth Army (United Kingdom): 128, 146
el Alamein: 146
Empire-type flying boat: Cambria: 136
England: 133, 145; Boscombe Down: 19
Erdeley, W.D. RAFFC: 129, 131
Esquimault, British Columbia: 153
European war theatre: 164
Evans, A.L. RAFFC: 129, 131
Evans, Capt. George P. OBE RAFFC: 60
Evans, R/O Dolph: 91, 92
Everglades Hotel, Miami, Florida: 170
Ewart/Ewert, R/O D.E. KC RAFFC: 60, 129, 130
Fairchild Aircraft, PT-19: 62
Farouk I, King of Egypt: 121
Farr, F/O M. RAFFC: 129, 130
Federal Bureau of Investigation: 170
Fennell, Jack RAFFC: 140
Fernandez, Pete PAA: 172, 173, 175, 179
Ferry Command, RAF (later known as 45 Group but mostly referred to as Ferry Command): 26, 27, 29, 38, 41, 42, 52, 58, 62, 63, 66, 69, 79, 81, 82, 86, 87, 98, 105, 110, 112, 115, 117, 126, 128, 129, 130, 133, 138, 142, 143, 151, 153, 164, 167, 172, 186; Administration: 61; B-26 program: 134; Chief Test Pilot: 134; Civilian Flight Instruction Office: 152;
Comm Squad No. 231: 152; Crew Assignments: 33, 45, 48, 61, 63, 81, 126, 134, 150, 151; Crew Training: 79; Flight Test Department: 45, 47, 134; Hangar 2, Dorval: 152; lack of real uniform: 54; losses: 79;
Marauder aircrew: 24; Marauder program: 128;
Nashville base: 84; Operations Office: 134
Tennessee, Nashville: 79;
Training Hangar No. 2: 16
Filtness, H.G. RAFFC: 129, 131
Finney, Terry: 153
Fisher, Alfred O. Consairways: 166
Fisher, Norman C. Consairways: 166
Fitzgerald, Capt. RAFFC: 78
Fitzgerald, Jack ATA/RAFFC: 164
Flanagan, Charlie: 172, 174, 175
Florida, state of: 25, 83, 177 (See also Miami) Specific place names mentioned: Miami: 125; Miami Beach: 125; West Palm Beach, George Washington Hotel: 84, 88
Flory, H. RAFFC: 129, 131
Flying the Secret Sky, The Story of the RAF Ferry Command (documentary): 117, 118, 133
Forbes, R/O Sgt. C.R.S. RAF: 147
Foreman, C.C. ATA/RAFFC: 164
Forrest, Gen. Nathan: 73
Fort Lamy, French Equatorial Africa: 123
Fowlie, Dan PAA: 185
France: 144
Occupied (Vichy) France: 107, 145, 175; sinking of navy at Dakar: 107
Free French: 67; air force: 54
French Underground: 41
Franco, General Francisco: 171
Frazer, R/O J.R. KC RAFFC: 60
Freeman, A/V/M Sir Wilfrid RAF: 148
French, Larry: 126
Fricks, Capt. Eugene “Gene” PAA: 176, 188, 189
Fulton, Sgt. RAFFC: 129
Gable, Clark USAAF: 125
Gander, Newfoundland: 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 150
GEE, British radio location system: 148
Gentry, Capt. D.L. OBE RAFFC: 60
George, Maj. Gen. Harold L.: 167-169, 180, 191, 192
“George,” Sperry Mark III automatic pilot: 67
Germany, war with: Afrika Korps: 67, 109, 146, 154;
Gestapo: 115; Hitler, Adolf: 47, 192; invades Russia: 172; Luftwaffe: 46, 143, 145; Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin, “Desert Fox:” 109, 128, 146; U-boats, German submarines: 47, 96, 101, 103, 132, 148;
Gerow, Capt. J.S. KC RAFFC: 60
Gibraltar: 117
Gilmore, John Joseph “Joe” RAFFC: 138, 139, 140, 142, 150
Glover, J.C. RAFFC: 128, 129
Gone With the Wind: 63
Goodlet, F/O Dave RAFFC: 124
Goodsell, D.M.: 176
“Goolie Chit:” 109, 110, 123
Goose Bay, Labrador: 145, 151
Gordon, General Charles George: 111
Gorman, H. RAFFC: 129
Gosport tube: 30
Gragg, R.O. ATA/RAFFC: 164
Gravis, Lewis: 171, 173
Gray, R/O J.W. KC MBE RAFFC: 60
Great Britain: 133
Greenland: 53, 145
Green One Airway: 65
Grenada: 99
Griffith, Sgt. RAFFC: 129
Griggs, Capt. John RAFFC Chief Test Pilot: 134
Grigsby, Earl ATA/RAFFC: 164
Groppi’s restaurant, Cairo, Egypt: 120
Gross, Robert E. Lockheed Aircraft Corp.: 168
Guadalcanal: 132, 165
Guam: 165
Gulf of Mexico: 64, 83
Gulf Stream: 96
Gunn, Capt. Bob RAFFC: 134, 135
“Haboob,” desert dust storm: 111
Hall, J.H. ATA/RAFFC: 164
Hanafin, Frank Consairways: 166
Handley-Page Limited: Halifax bomber: 147, 148;
Halifax W1041 (Bennett’s plane): 147
Hankins, Frank Jr.: 171, 177
Harris, Air Marshal Sir Arthur “Bomber” RAF: 148
Harris, F/E “Smokey” RAFFC: 48, 49
Harris, W.C. RAFFC: 129
Hawker Aircraft Ltd.: Hurricane fighter: 107
Hawthorne, F. RAFFC: 128, 129
Heering, Edward ATA: 164
Hennessey Three Star brandy: 71
Herndon, Capt. H. RAFFC: 129
Herring, Lloyd Consairways: 166
Hersam, Capt. George A. KC RAFFC: 60, 129, 130
Hightower, Capt. E.W. RAFFC: 129, 131
Hilton, George D. Consairways: 166
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan: 192
Hispaniola, Island of: 97
Hitler, Adolf: 47, 192
Hodgson, R/O H.T. KC RAFFC: 60
Holmes, R/O Russ MBE RAFFC 15-17, 35, 38, 60, 114-117, 116, 117; amateur radio call VE3KT 33
Honolulu, Hawaii: 165
Hood, Gen. John B.: 73
Hudson Bay: 64
Hudson bomber (See Lockheed Aircraft Corporation)
Huffman, Stanley C. PAA: 179
Hult, Eddie Consairways: 166
Huston, Capt. H.W. “Herb” RAFFC: 131
Hyland, P/O RAFFC: 129
“Idiot Clip,” B-26A: 89, 90, 142
Imperial Airways: 136, 138
India: 132
Indian Ocean: 132
Ingalls, David S. PAA VP: 177, 191
Inland Waterway: 83, 84
Inman, Capt. Arthur “Art:” 171, 173, 186
Inman, Roger “Rollie:” 171
Inman Brothers Flying Circus: 171
intertropical front: 100
invasion of Europe: 132
Iran, Tehran: 118, 167
Ireland, Republic of: 143, 144
Italian army in Africa: 146
Italy: 19
Ivory Coast, Africa: 107
Jackson, General Andrew: 71
Jacques, John RAFFC: 172
Japan, war with: aircraft carrier foray into Indian Ocean: 132; air force: 46; Hirohito, Emperor of Japan: 192
Jarrett, E.T. ATA/RAFFC: 164
Jarvis, R/O D.B. KC RAFFC: 57, 60, 131
Jervis, D. RAFFC: 129
Johnsen, R/O G.R. “Fred” KC RAFFC: 60, 129
Johnson, Amy: 165
Johnson Bar: 68
Johnson, P/O RAFFC: 124
Johns, R.G. RAFFC: 129, 131
Jones, Sgt. T. RAFFC: 129
Jubb, R/O J.N. “Jimmy” KC RAFFC: 57, 60, 136
Junior Air Transport Pilots: 191
Kano, Nigeria: 123
Kelly, Kevin RCAF: 41, 58
Khartoum, Sudan: 109
King, A.M. RAFFC: 129
King, Prime Minister Mackenzie: 127
“King’s Condemnation:” 53
KLM Line: 171
Klose, Orval M. navigator PAA: 188
Kluzek, S.W. ATA/RAFFC: 164
Kremlin, Moscow, USSR: 118
Kreps, Capt. Jim PAA: 119-124
Lacombe, P/O RAFFC: 129
La Grave, Gerry RAFFC General Foreman: 135, 137
Lake Erie: 66
Lane, G.C. RAFFC: 129, 130
L.A.T.I. (Linee Aeree Transcontinentali Italiane): 184
Lend-Lease: 67, 166
Lewis, Capt. H. RAFFC: 129
Lewis, Frank RAFFC dispatcher: 48
Lewis, W. RAFFC: 130
Libya, Tobruk: 146
Lilly, Capt. A.J. “Al” RAFFC Chief Test Pilot: 60, 129, 134, 135, 137
Lindbergh, Charles: 62
Link trainer: 178
Livermore, Capt. Thomas L. ATA/RAFFC: 129, 131, 131, 164
Lloyd, Capt. R.M. RAFFC: 129, 130
Lockett, Al RAFFC mechanic: 135
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation: 47, 168, 172; Hudson bomber: 21, 47, 62, 65-67, 79, 80, 147; Hudson AE317: 48, 61, 68; Lightning/P-38 fighter: 123; Lodestar: 93, 119, 175; Ventura/B-34 bomber: 80, 126, 139; Ventura AE921: 150; Ventura AE725: 133
Loughridge, R/O A.M. KC RAFFC: 60
Louisiana, New Orleans: 65
Lowman, Capt. Paul Liefer ATA/RAFFC: 164
Luck, Capt. W.F.S. “Sheldon” KC RAFFC: 60
Luque, Jim: 172
Luscombe Aircraft Corporation: 169
Lyons, Bill: 172
Mackey, Capt. Joseph “Joe” RAFFC/PAA: 92, 176
Madam Zee Zee’s: 102, 103, 125
Mahoney, William P. PAA: 188
malaria: 78
Malta, Republic of: 120, 121
Marrs, Capt. Maurice PAA: 170, 171, 173, 175
Martin Company (Glenn L. Martin): 21; A-30 Baltimore: 67; B-26 Marauder “Widow Maker” “Flying Prostitute” 23, 32, 37, 59, 67, 78, 82, 85, 87, 92, 93, 98-100, 108, 112, 113, 119, 124, 126, 134, 139, 140, 141, 152; flight manual (USAAF): 20, 29, 35; hydraulic system/leaks 105, 107, 108; Idiot Clip: 89, 90, 142; RAF Marauder: 83; USAAF 3rd Wing problems: 145; USAAF, delivery by: 108; Specific aircraft: 41-17750 USAAF: 144; 41-17790 USAAF Lt. Clarence Wall: 145; FK111: 15-21, 20, checkout on, 33-38, 45, 74, 134-136; FK117, first American-built warplane delivered by air to Middle East for RAF by author 86, 88, 94-96, 112-115; FK119 125, 133; FK138, first Marauder delivered to UK, by author: 136-144, 144, 150; FK169: 97, 98, 110, 112
Maryland: 67
Marvin, R/O D.P. KC RAFFC: 60
Maryland, Baltimore: 21
Maxwell, Wing Commander Patrick RAFFC: 48, 65, 66-68, 79
McCannon, Louis M. Consairways: 166
McDonald, aircrew RAFFC: 131
McGiffen, Nina RAFFC: 84-86, 91
McGinniss, F/E James W. “Jim” RAFFC: 129, 131
McGrail, R/O John RAFFC: 84, 85, 124
McIntyre, R/O J.A. KC, RAFFC: 60
McKay, D. RAFFC: 129
McKee, Sgt. RAFFC: 137, 142, 143
McKee Trophy: 30
McKenney, Capt. J.C. PAA: 188
McKercher, H.W. RAFFC: 129, 130
McLaughlin, Don: 30
McLeod, F/E “Red” RAFFC: 136
McMakin, Richard A. Consairways: 166
McPherson, G. RAFFC: 129, 130
McPherson, T/O D.F., KC RAFFC: 60
McTaggart-Cowan, Dr. Patrick Duncan “McFog” RAFFC: 140, 141, 144
McVicar, Capt. Donald Moore KC, OBE RAFFC: 96;
aircraft type competency card: 87; August 10, 1942 delivered first American-built warplane by air to Middle East for RAF: 112, 113; Command Pilot rating: 87; First Class Certificate of Competency in Radio: 38; first civilian Ferry Command pilot checked out on Marauder: 19; first-ever Canadian airport traffic controller’s course: 48; King’s Commendation: 52; Leading Telegraphist in Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve: 56; Limited Commercial pilot’s license: 38; Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve: 45, 56; Officer in Charge of Winnipeg traffic control tower: 38; Order of the British Empire: 60; receiving King’s Commendation: 56; September 3, 1942, delivered first B-26 Marauder to the UK: 136-144, 144
Meagher, Capt. Jim: 81
Meagher, R/O C.P. KC RAFFC: 60
Menefee, Slim: 172
Mention in Dispatches: 52
Merrill, Capt. B.M. “Bud” RAFFC: 129, 130
meteorology: 178
Miami, Florida: 125, 190
duPont Building: 177
Everglades Hotel: 170
Michigan, Detroit: 47
Middle East war theatre: 24, 91, 128-131, 148, 167;
delivery by RAFFC of ammunition to Africa: 128-131
Midway Island, Pacific Ocean: 165
Miller, C. ATA/RAFFC: 164
Mollison, Jim RAFFC/ATA: 165
Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard: 128, 146, 152
Montreal Gazette, The: 127
Montreal, Quebec (See also Dorval); Mount Royal Hotel, Piccadilly Club: 93, 125, 126, 139; Specific place names mentioned: Ben’s Deli: 59; Cadillac Restaurant: 29; Lachine: 126; LaSalle Hotel: 62; Metcalf Street: 59; Music Box: 39, 43, 45; No. 1 Wireless School, Queen Mary Road: 39; Peel Street: 29; Samovar night club: 29; Sherbrooke Street: 44;
Verdun: 121; Westmount: 45, 151; Montreal Star, The: 44, 127
Moody, Capt. Hunter RAFFC: 19, 33, 153, 154
Morrison, J. ATA/RAFFC: 164
Moseby’s War Reminiscences and Stuart’s Cavalry Campaign: 73
Mount Royal Hotel: 18, 25, 126, 151 (See also Piccadilly Club)
Mullins, Pat: 176
Munro, Ross Canadian war correspondent: 127
Natal (See airfields; See also Brazil)
navigation: 178; astro-navigation: 103, 142; Automatic Direction Finder (ADF): 96, 100, 101;
centimetric: beam 153; centimeter wave band: 149;
dead reckoning: 143; drift sight: 143; GEE, British radio location system: 148; jamming of radio beacon: 143; magnetic compass: 49; OBOE, code name for centimeter wave band: 149; radio range: 67; running sun shots: 105; sun line: 103; UU7 beacon, Dernacross, Ireland: 143
Nelson, Chadwick B. Consairways: 166
Netherlands air force: 55
Netherlands East Indies (See Dutch East Indies)
Newfoundland: 141 (See also Gander)
Newport, William PAA: 189
New York, State of, Specific place names mentioned: Buffalo: 64; LaGuardia Airport, New York City: 126; Mitchell Field, Long Island: 129; New York City: 126
New Zealand Division, British Eighth Army: 146
Nile River/Valley (See Egypt)
“Ninety-Day Wonders” (USAAF officers): 125
Nixon, Capt. William “Bill” RAFFC: 78, 84, 124
No. 1 Wireless School, Montreal: 39
No. 2 Air Observer School: 38, 96
Noorduyn Aircraft Limited: Norseman: 26
North American Aircraft: B-25 Mitchell: 33, 62, 98, 126
North Atlantic: 54, 78, 80, 99, 105, 138, 176 (See also Atlantic Ocean)
North Atlantic weather, typical: 140-141
Northern Alberta Railroad: 31
Northern Ireland: Belfast: 143; Dernacross: 143
Northwest Staging Route: 64
Norway, Trondheim: 147
Norwegian Air Force: 54
Nova Scotia, Province of: Halifax: 80
O’Connor, Ward RAFFC: 45
Ohio, State of, specific place names mentioned:
Cleveland: 66; Dayton: 24, 61, 64
Olmstead, P/O RAFFC: 137
O’Neill, Capt. John H. RAFFC: 129, 131
Ontario, Province of: Toronto: 64, 66
Operation Torch, Allied invasion of Africa 1942: 145
Orangefield Hotel, Prestwick airfield: 145
PAA (See Pan American Airways)
Pacific Ocean: 54
Pacific war theatre: 21, 132, 165
Palestine: 128
Palser, P/O RAFFC: 129
Pan American Air Ferries: 91, 92, 119, 167, 168, 171, 172, 176-179, 181, 183, 184, 190, 191, 192; Instrument Overhaul Shop: 180; Italian sabotage: 174; Mechanical Training Section: 180; Staff House, Natal: 103
Pan American Airways (PAA): 103, 105, 120, 125, 171, 174-176, 181, 188; “Clipper” flying boats: 165, 175
Pacific Division: 176
Pan American Airways System: 192
Panzer Battles, author, General Friedrich Von Mellenthin: 147
Parkinson, Capt. Jack RAFFC: 129
Pathfinder Force (See Royal Air Force)
Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii: 30, 99, 176
Pemberton, Frank T. Consairways: 166
Per Ardua Ad Astra, A Story of the Atlantic Air Ferry, narrative by Air Commodore Griffith Powell: 60
Perlick, Capt. R.E. KC ATA/RAFFC: 60, 164
Phillips, Col. Charles USAAF: 145
Phillips, Vincent L. Consairways: 166
Phoenix, Capt. Merrill E. KC RAFFC: 60
Piccadilly Club “The Pic” in the Mount Royal Hotel, Montreal: 18, 25-27, 39, 43, 58, 59
Pierson-Jones, M. RAFFC: 131
Piper Aircraft Corporation: Cub: 46
Poland, air force: 55
Portal, Air Chief Marshal Charles RAF: 117, 148
Powell, Group Captain (later Air Commodore) Griffith “Taffy” RAFFC: 17, 18, 18, 55, 86, 117, 136, 150
Pratt & Whitney: 138
Pratt & Whitney engines: 21, 89; R2800 engines: 80
Prestwick airfield, Scotland: 24, 141, 144, 145, 146, 164; Orangefield Hotel: 145
Prestwick Airport & Scottish Aviation, author, Peter Berry: 144
Prestwick Morse identifier 5SJ: 97
Prevost, Jules PAA: 184
Priestman, Paddy RAFFC: 47
Prince, Hugh Consairways: 166
Provost, Jules: 169
Puerto Rico: 97
San Juan: 172
Pyramids (Egyptian): 112
Quebec, Province of (See also Dorval, Montreal)
Specific place names mentioned: Ste. Adele: 151;
Laurentian Mountains: 150
Rammer, Harry PAA: 189
Raymond, B.E. ATA/RAFFC: 164
Rector, Capt. C.A. RAFFC: 129, 130
Red Sea: 190
Reiser, Wm. H. Consairways: 166
Rising, Jim: 169
River Jordan: 190
Robinson, F/O Dennis RAAF/RAFFC: 15-18, 20, 27, 29, 32, 34-39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 49, 51-53, 58, 63, 74, 75, 78
Rodgers RAFFC: 131
Rommel, German Field Marshal Erwin, “Desert Fox:” 109, 128, 146
Roosevelt, President Franklin: 123, 128, 176
Rosenfield, W.A. Jr. ATA/RAFFC: 164
Ross, W.C. RAFFC: 129
Ross, Wing Commander Donald “Don” RAFFC: 136, 137, 151-153
Rowe, Capt. Gene RAFFC: 62, 63, 68, 69
Royal Air Force (RAF): 67, 119; 3 Group: 148; 301 Ferry Training Unit: 19; 4 Group: 148; 5 Group: 148
No. 9 Squadron: 24; No. 10 Squadron: 147, 148;
No. 14 Squadron; B-26 Marauders, Africa campaign: 146; Air Council: 52, 53; Bomber Command: 24, 42, 46, 67, 79-81, 146; Coastal Command: 47; Desert Air Force: 146, 152; Form 700: 135, 137; Pathfinder Force: 148; attack on Flensburg U-boat base: 148;
attack on Nuremburg, Germany: 149; Light Night Striking Force: 149
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF): 165
Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF): 45, 55; Service Flying Training School: 95
Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve (RCNVR): 153
Royal Navy: 107
Ruggles, Capt. J.H. “Jack” MBE RAFFC: 55, 57, 60, 116, 116, 117
Rush, R/O Eric RAFFC: 82, 91, 93, 97-99, 103, 110, 113, 137
Russia/USSR: 117, 131, 167, 192; Kremlin: 118; Moscow: 118; Murmansk: 131
Sahara desert: 109, 123, 187
Sandeman, Capt. Eric RAAFC: 79
Saskatchewan, Province of: 61, 116, 122, 127
Scotland (See also Prestwick): 145
Scotland Yard: 115
Scouten, Capt. A.J.F. “Bud” RAFFC, Trans-Canada Airlines: 81-83
Seawell, William T.: 167
“Second Front:” 132
Secret Landing Ground LG 224: 112, 113, 113, 152
Seiger, Capt. Henry RAFFC: 76, 78
“Sewer of Africa,” Khartoum: 111, 188
Shannon River, Ireland: 144
Sharpe, P/O D. RAFFC: 129, 130
Shaw, Sgt. RAFFC: 129
Shepheard’s Hotel, Cairo, Egypt: 118
Sherman tanks: 128
Short Brothers: Stirling bomber: 148
Shoy, Larry: 172
Shreve, J.R. RAFFC: 130
Shrews, J.M. RAFFC: 129
Siple, Capt. Wallace C. KC RAFFC: 60, 67, 79
Smithowski, John: 169
Solomon Islands, South Pacific: 132
Souers, Capt. Bob RAFFC: 150
South African Air Force: 25
South America (See also Brazil): 100, 125, 167, 173
South Atlantic: 54, 77, 81, 92, 129, 167, 168, 175, 184, 192
South Atlantic ferry route service: 145, 173
Southorn, Sir Thomas: 175
South Pacific: 132, 166
Spain: 42
Spanish Civil War: 171
Sphinx (Egyptian): 112
Spight, Edwin and Jeanne, authors, Eagles of the Pacific: 166
Stalingrad, battle/siege of: 131
Stalin, Josef: 118, 131, 132
Stanley, Max R.: 172
Steele, John Atlantic Airways: 168, 169, 176, 177
Stewart, Capt. W.L. “Geordie” BOAC Return Ferry Service: 150
stingers (Browning .50 cal machine guns in B-17s): 47
Strama, S.W. PAA Shop Superintendent: 181
Street, A.W. Permanent Under-Secretary of State: 53
Strump, Arthur Consairways: 166
Stuart, Gen. Jeb: 73
Stuka, German dive bomber: 68
Sudan 109, 123 (See also airfields, Africa) Specific place names mentioned: Khartoum: 123; Wadi Halfa: 123; Sudanese War: 111; Suez Canal: 128, 190
Sursfield, J.H. RAFFC: 129, 130 (NOTE: since publication, the editor has learned from the airman’s family that the original RAFFC source was incorrect, twice: on page 129 as crew of Liberator FL912, and on page 130, in the group photo, he was labeled as “Cooke.” On this website, he has been corrected to John Redmond Sarsfield.)
Swaney, F/E Gayle B. RAFFC: 129
TACA, Transportes Aereos del Continente Americano: 172
Tanner, L.A. RAFFC: 129, 130
Taylor, Sgt. RAFFC: 129, 130
Tedder, Air Chief Marshal Arthur RAF: 146
Teel, Capt. Don KC RAFFC: 57, 60, 134
Tennessee, Nashville: 48, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 74; Specific place names mentioned: Hermitage Hotel: 72; James Robertson Hotel: 69; Printer’s Alley: 71; The Stables: 71
Tetanus: 77
Texas: 64
The Chosen Instrument, authors, Marylin Bender and Selig Atschuyl: 167
Thompson, Capt. L.J. KC RAFFC: 60
Thompson, Jake RAFFC: 152, 153
Tirpitz, German battleship: 147; attack upon, 1942: 147
Tobago: 99
Tobin, Capt. Gilbert S. ATA/RAFFC: 129, 131, 164
Tobruk, Africa: 146; surrender of: 128
Tooker, Capt. N. RAFFC: 129, 130
Trans-Canada Airlines: 55, 74
Transcontinental and Western Airlines (TWA) Apache: 124
Trinidad: 110, 131, 172; Port of Spain: 100
Trippe, Juan Pan American Airways: 167, 168
tropical travel advice: 77
Tulagi: 132
Turks and Caicos Islands: 97
Typhus: 77
U-boats, German submarines: 47, 96, 101, 103, 132, 148
United States Army: 181, 191; 1st US Rangers: 127;
Military Police: 40
United States Army Air Corps (USAAC): 62
United States Army Air Force (USAAF): 35, 66, 67, 108, 144, 145; 3rd Wing: 145; Third Air Force: 145;
Eighth Air Force: 47; Officer’s Training Centers: 125;
Ninth Air Force’s Twelfth Bombardment Group: 98
United States Army Air Transport Command: 68, 168
United States Marine Corps (USMC): 132
United States Navy (USN) 132; air ace David Sinton Ingalls: 177
Valley, Herbert C. Consairways: 166
Vanderbilt University, Tennessee: 72
VanDerKloot, Capt. William “Bill” CBE, OBE RAFFC 57, 60, 115, 116, 116, 117, 117, 118, 133
VanDerKloot, William III: 117, 118, 133
Ventura/B-34 bomber (See Lockheed Aircraft Corporation)
Vichy France 107, 175
Vickers: Wellington (Wimpy) bomber: 25, 27, 47, 51, 67, 109, 112, 148
Victoria Cross: 147
Von Mellenthin, General Friedrich: 146
Wake Island, South Pacific: 165
Wall, Lt. Clarence USAAF: 145
Walmsley, E.P. ATA/RAFFC: 164
Ward, Joe: 172
Washington, D.C.: 145
Waters, Alfred RAFFC: 82, 89, 93-95, 97, 99, 100, 110, 113, 124
Watson, RAFFC: 131
Watt, A.B. RAFFC: 129, 130
weather: 64, 140
Weaver, R/O Joseph “Joe” RAFFC: 61, 63, 64, 65, 68, 70, 74
Wheatley, William Consairways: 166
White, A.D. RAFFC: 129
Whyte, Ann Pan Am Public Relations: 167
“wide-awake” birds, Ascension Island: 106
Wightman, R/O H.G. “Gordy” RAFFC: 48, 49, 84, 91, 97, 102
Williams, Capt. Norman L. RAFFC: 129, 131
Williams, F/E Ronald KC RAFFC: 60, 116, 116, 117
Willmott, Johnny: 172
Wilson, I.M. RAFFC: 129
Wilson, Penn ATA/RAFFC: 164
Woodard, D. RAFFC: 129, 130
Wright Patterson Air Force Base, USAAF: 24
Wunderbar, Natal, Brazil: 103
Yellow Fever: 77
yellow jaundice: 78
Zibell, A.W. PAA F/E: 188
Zimmerman, Capt. P.E. KC ATA/RAFFC: 57, 60, 164
Zoot-Suiters: 39